In March, we celebrate International Women’s Day as well as Women’s History Month. It’s the perfect time to reflect on all the incredible women in our lives who have helped, supported, and cheered us on. We know that we’re where we are today because of the women who came before us to make our path easier, and we are so very grateful.
Women empowering women! At Soul Dental, we are ALL for it.
Women Owned Business NYC
After all, Soul Dental is the result of two women finding each other — Drs. Yuliya Alterman and Alexandra Yungelson met on their first day of dental school at the NYU College of Dentistry and became immediate friends (aww!) — and building their dream dental practice together. We knew when we started Soul Dental that we wanted to create a place where we had a positive effect on our patients’ oral health as well as their overall well-being. What we didn’t know in the very beginning was that our staff would become like family and that their well-being would also become extremely important to us.
We’ve been celebrating the extraordinary women on our staff all month long on our Facebook and Instagram pages. (We think you should visit and get to know them better so that you can say hi when you come into the office.)
Women Empowering Women Through Continuing Education

We take a lot of pride in being a women-owned business in NYC, and we think every woman should be encouraged to follow her dreams. Which is why we have supported many of our staff members as they pursue or further their dental education while working at Soul Dental.
Evelina started to work at Soul Dental as a front desk/patient coordinator and assistant. She later became a hygienist and worked with us for years before moving. We miss her, but we’re so glad we could help her when she needed it.
Jennifer Ramos was our assistant and is now our pride and joy hygienist at the West office.
Charlotte Ramirez was the front desk/patient coordinator at our Chelsea office. She continued working as such throughout her dental hygienist education and training. Once she graduated, she stayed on as a hygienist before she also moved away. We miss her and think of her fondly.
Neeha was a fantastic assistant to us and was also a foreign-trained dentist. She went on to dental school in the USA and is now practicing dentistry. Congratulations, Dr. Neeha!
Women Empowering Women: Follow Your Soul
Although we LOVE dentistry, we know it isn’t everyone’s passion like it is ours. We don’t expect every staff member who works with us to want to pursue an education in dentistry, but we still urge them to follow their SOUL’s desire. Whether that’s starting a family — we can’t get enough of all our sweet SOUL babies! — continuing their education in another field, or pursuing artistic or culinary talents, our staff awes us daily. We’re always excited to see what they’re going to do next.
We love our Soul Dental staff, and we know you will too. Make an appointment and come in to see why we can’t get enough of our Soulies.