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Soul Dental Emergency Dental

Emergency Dentistry

Welcome to Soul Dental, your trusted dental practice offering emergency dentistry services in New York City. Dental emergencies can be distressing and painful, which is why our skilled team is here to provide you with prompt, compassionate care when you need it most. At Soul Dental, we prioritize your comfort, well-being, and dental health, ensuring that you receive the highest quality emergency dental services in NYC.

What is a Dental Emergency and What to Do Right Away

You may wonder if your situation rises to the level of an emergency. You have a dental emergency if you are experiencing pain or your daily activities are disrupted. Contact us right away for an appointment and we’ll provide treatment as soon as possible. 

Comprehensive Emergency Dental Services

At Soul Dental, we offer a comprehensive range of emergency dental services to address various dental emergencies. Our services include and are not limited to:

  • Toothache relief
  • Oral infection
  • Swelling
  • Filling repair or replacement
  • Crown or bridge repair or replacement
  • Root canal
  • Gum infection treatment
  • Chipped or broken tooth repair
  • Knocked-out tooth restoration
  • Denture repair or replacement

Regardless of the nature of your emergency, the team at Soul Dental can quickly find the most effective way to treat it.

When Should You Seek Emergency Dental Treatment?

At Soul Dental, our commitment to your dental health extends to providing prompt and efficient emergency dental care when you need it the most. We’re here to provide compassionate care and alleviate any pain or discomfort. If you are experiencing any of the following dental emergencies, we recommend seeking immediate attention to prevent further complications:

  • Persistent and intense toothache that interferes with your daily activities, such as eating or sleeping
  • Sharp or throbbing pain that radiates to the jaw, ear, or head
  • Pain that worsens with pressure or chewing
  • Facial trauma resulting from an accident, sports injury, or fall
  • Knocked-out (avulsed) tooth
  • Dislodged or shifted tooth
  • Fractured or broken tooth due to trauma
  • Swelling, redness, or tenderness in the gums or face
  • Pus discharge or foul odor from the affected area
  • Persistent fever and swollen lymph nodes
  • Difficulty swallowing or breathing due to the swelling
  • Dislodged crown, bridge, or veneer
  • Broken or lost filling
  • Damaged denture
  • Extreme sensitivity to temperature (hot or cold) that is unbearable
  • Exposure of the tooth nerve due to trauma or decay
  • Gums that are swollen, inflamed, and tender
  • Pus accumulation around the gums
  • Difficulty in opening or closing the mouth

Please note that in case of life-threatening emergencies, such as excessive bleeding or difficulty breathing, it is recommended to call emergency services or visit the nearest emergency room immediately.

Common Dental Emergencies and What to Do

Dental emergencies can be very stressful. It’s important to not panic and to contact your dentist’s office as soon as you can. Knowing how to handle the situation can relieve anxiety and help you remain in control. Below are common dental emergency situations and how you can best respond to them prior to your appointment. 

Gum Infection or Irritation

Swelling, bad breath, or a strange taste may indicate an infection of the gums. Taking action immediately can prevent the situation from worsening. Contact us right away for a consultation and we’ll devise a plan of treatment.

Knocked Out Tooth

Losing a tooth may be alarming, but it is important to remain calm. Follow these simple steps and contact us immediately.

  1. If possible, recover the tooth. Be sure to handle it by the crown rather than the root.
  2. Rinse the tooth, but do NOT scrub off any tissue which may still be attached.
  3. Protect the root by immersing the tooth in milk. You may also purchase a tooth preservation kit from your local drugstore.

Schedule an appointment with us right away and bring the tooth along with you. If it can be restored, we can have you fixed up fairly quickly. If the natural tooth cannot be restored, we’ll put together a personalized and comprehensive treatment plan to replace it.

Broken or Chipped Tooth

In the event of a broken tooth, we encourage you to contact our team at Soul Dental as soon as possible. However, here are some methods which may alleviate your pain until you visit our office:

  1. Rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area and ease any discomfort.
  2. Applying a cold compress to the area can numb pain and reduce swelling.
  3. You may lightly bite a piece of gauze to control any bleeding.
  4. Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen may reduce pain.

It’s important to seek dental attention promptly to address the problem and prevent potential complications. The team at Soul Dental has the expertise and tools to restore your smile and your bite the right way. 


In the event of a toothache, follow these steps to reduce pain in the short-term. Be sure to schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible for proper treatment.

  1. Rinse with warm water to alleviate any pain.
  2. Use a cold compress to numb the area.
  3. Over-the-counter pain relievers may be effective in reducing pain.

When you come to Soul Dental with a toothache, our very first order of business will be to get you out of pain. Once we’ve addressed the pain, then we’ll focus on how to proceed. We will collaborate with you to put together a treatment plan that works for you. 

Toothaches can have a number of causes, but something almost all toothaches have in common is that the issue causing it will not get better on its own. The pain may come and go, but the decay or infection behind it will continue to worsen without care.

Dental Abscess

An abscess tooth occurs when bacteria becomes trapped within the gums. You may reduce pain caused by an abscess by following these simple steps:

  1. Rinse with salt-water to clean the area.
  2. Apply a cold compress to reduce any inflammation.
  3. Use of over-the-counter pain medication may provide some relief.

In the event of a dental abscess, contact us right away. Left untreated, it can spread to other tissue and result in further health problems.

Lost Filling, Crown, or Bridge

Should you lose or break a dental filling, crown, or bridge not to worry! Restorations do fail from time to time, and we’re here to help! Be sure to get in touch with us right away, and then:

  1. If you’ve lost a crown or bridge, retrieve it if possible and handle it carefully to avoid further damage. (If you lost a filling, there’s no need to recover it.)
  2. While waiting for your appointment, avoid foods which are particularly hot or cold and avoid chewing on the side of the damaged restoration.
  3. You may use over-the-counter dental cement to help protect the tooth in the meantime, but do not attempt to repair or replace the crown yourself. This must be done by a dental professional.

We’ll get you in to see a restorative dentist as soon as possible to repair or replace your filling, crown, or bridge. Our goal is to have you back to chewing and smiling confidently right away!

Prompt and Compassionate Dental Care

Dental emergencies can happen at any time without warning. Whether you’re experiencing a severe toothache, a broken tooth, a knocked-out tooth, or any other dental emergency, our team at Soul Dental is here to provide immediate assistance. When you come to our practice, you can expect:

  • Timely appointments: We prioritize emergency cases and strive to accommodate same-day appointments whenever possible. Your dental health and well-being are our top priority, and we are committed to providing you with the care you need without unnecessary delays.
  • Advanced diagnostic tools: Our modern dental practice is equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic tools, allowing us to quickly assess the nature and extent of your dental emergency. This enables us to develop a personalized treatment plan which addresses your exact needs.
  • Compassion: Life is already a lot, and dental emergencies can be distressing, both physically and emotionally. Our caring and compassionate dental team will ensure that you feel comfortable and at ease throughout the entire emergency dental care process.
  • Pain management: Dental emergencies often involve significant pain or discomfort. Rest assured that we will address your pain promptly and effectively, using a variety of approaches to alleviate your discomfort and minimize any dental anxiety you may have.

You can be sure that we will treat you and your health with the care and respect you deserve. Of course we hope our patients never have dental emergencies, but if you ever do, it is where the rubber meets the road in terms of our commitment to care for your oral health. Of course we’re here for your cleanings and exams, teeth whitening, and cavity treatments. But we’re also here when you break a tooth at dinner on Saturday night. Reach out to us right away, and we will advise you on what to do next, get you an appointment ASAP, and provide reassurance.

Why Choose Soul Dental for Emergency Dentistry in NYC

When it comes to emergency dentistry in NYC, Soul Dental stands out for several reasons:

  • Comprehensive care: Our multi-specialty team can address almost any type of dental emergency under one roof. You can get all of your care here, even if it requires multiple specialists.
  • Experienced team: Our team of highly skilled dentists has extensive experience in handling dental emergencies. We are continuously updating our knowledge and techniques to ensure that you receive the best possible care.
  • State-of-the-art tech: Our modern, well-equipped dental practice utilizes the latest technology and advanced treatment methods to deliver exceptional emergency dental services.
  • Personalized approach: We understand that each patient is unique, and so are their dental emergencies. We take a personalized approach to treatment, tailoring our services to meet your specific needs and goals.
  • Compassionate care: At Soul Dental, we prioritize your comfort and well-being. Our compassionate dental team will take the time to listen to your concerns, address your questions, and ensure you feel supported throughout your emergency dental visit.
  • Convenient locations: Our offices are conveniently located in Chelsea, Hell’s Kitchen, and Upper West Side, making us convenient to patients from all five boroughs. We strive to accommodate your busy schedule by offering flexible appointment hours.

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, do not hesitate to contact Soul Dental, your trusted source for emergency dentistry in NYC. Our dedicated team is ready to provide you with the prompt, compassionate care you need to alleviate pain, address the issue, and restore your smile.